Monday, November 28, 2011

It's been a while.


I haven't updated for a while and there really is no reason for it, except the lack of inspiration and enthusiasm to write. So much has happened to me during these past weeks, so I thought that maybe I should tell you about it. Well, a part of it at least.
I am such a boring person, it has been like over a month since I've written anything. I should really get a hold of myself and just write something.
Allright, first of all, I'd like everyone to know that I'm dating, have been like a month allready. And that's one of the reasons why I haven't updated, I've been too busy hanging out with him. Also I've been to the drivers school or what ever and I had the exam week which just ended.
I know, I know, all of those are excuses, but so what, it's my life, I can do what ever I want with it.

Actually I still have no clue what to write about. I suck. Well, I was thinking about starting this kind of a diary on the 1st of December. It's like a diary for the things I am thankful for. It's a pretty good idea, I got it from one of my teachers at school.
So that's the next thing. And then I was wondering should I write everyday like something here or should I just upload the thing when it's finished?

I dunno.

Well, that's that and what else.
I could fill some stupid test a put it here for your pleasure.
Yeah, I'll do that.
If I find something like that.
Found it.
Actually not.
And I don't feel like starting to translate anything from Finnish to English. So nothing this time, sorry my two readers.
Should I upload something I've drawn?

 Here is Altaïr, the character from Assassin's Creed. Love him. I drew him for my friend and it's from model, but yeah. There's also a pic of the drawing when it's about half finished.
I am supposed to draw a new one, this time by only me, but we'll see how that works out. I have actually a picture of it in my mind, I know what kind of it will become but that's in theory, I don't know will it work out the same way on the paper.

I promise, next time I'll write something good!


Rene said...


:| oisit ny iskeny jonku ylisöpön ernulikan. sellasen pienen pyöreeposkisen ;___;

tää ei muuten jää tähän.

Unknown said...

no oisin iskeny sut jos et ois jo varattu. wut?

Rene said...

olen otettu mut muo ei niin vaa isketä >:D ei ainakaa nyrkillä.

Unknown said...

liikkuvaan kohteeseen on vaikea osua ja sähän oot oikee vipeltäjä. ole otettu, kyl mäki oisin jos mä oisin sä.

Anonymous said...

Sulla on kyl ainaski kolme lukijaa, jos tiedät, mitä tarkotan ;)

Unknown said...

no arvelisin että tiedän (;